MY PLAN – Daily Warm Lemon Water

Lemon water

My nutritionist recommends starting my day with a warm cup of water and organic lemon juice. This is to be taken around thirty minutes before breakfast. Here is my daily warm lemon water plan:

1) WARM LEMON WATER – There are so many scientific benefits that I’m not qualified to explain. In easy terms, drinking water with lemon juice:

-kickstarts digestion
-balances PH levels
-boosts immunity
-clears skin
-enhances your mood
-promotes healing
-freshens breath
-helps hydrate your body
-assists in weight loss

For a complete explanation of the above benefits see: 10 Benefits to Drinking Warm Lemon Water Every Morning.

2) VISI TRIMMA – My nutritionist also recommendeds taking visi TRIMMA daily when I have my warm lemon water. Visi TRIMMA is an all natural formula that has the following benefits:

-metabolizes stored fat
-controls appetite
-higher thermogenesis rate
-superior antioxidant protection
-manages stress and enhances mood
-encourages mental clarity and focus

I`ve only been taking these capsules for one week but I can already notice the change in my mental clarity. I can`t speek for it`s claim to assist in weightloss since I`ve made so many other changes since starting the capsules. I have lost weight in the last week and so I`m sure every little change helps.

3) SWEETEN MY SOUR – I`ve decided to add a small amount of raw Agave Nectar to my warm lemon water since, well, it makes it taste so much better! Agave Nector is great for the following reason:

-natural low-glycemic sweetner which means it won`t cause a spike or fall in blood sugar.
contains saponins and fructans which have anti-inflammatory properties and help boost the imune system.
contains inulin which can be effective in weight loss because of its low impact on blood sugar and its ability to decrease appetite.

My morning kickstart!


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